Tuesday, June 12, 2018

President Trump Has Now Made History

Last night I sat up virtually all night and watched our president make history in Singapore.  I was absolutely overwhelmed as he mastered the Presser at 4:00am having gone for 25 hours without sleep to make this wonderful event happen.

Kim Jong Un, along with a signed agreement to get rid of Nukes in North Korea, with no money from the US, with no troops removed from South Korea, with no sanctions lifted....has also agreed to begin sending home the remains of identified American soldiers from the Korean War.  There is no denying that the events of the past few days are nothing short of extraordinary and something no socialist or moderate president could ever have achieved.  

My understanding is that The President only needed to help Chairman Kim understand the prosperity his nation could see if he would just come out and begin dealing with the world, stop being afraid and threatened.  Could this become Trump's "Tear down this wall" moment?  I think it is....

I have held a theory for a while now that Trump and South Korea will begin "working" with Kim and in the process, North Korea will become a free and prosperous nation.  Families long separated will find each other once again....millions of starving will be fed and given a chance to create prosperity in their nation.  Freedom will begin spreading through the ravaged nations of Asia after the horrible devastation caused over the decades caused by communism - devastations allowed and enabled by socialists in this nation.

I also predict that if we don't leave North Korea to fend for itself as a fledgling free nation as we did with Russia that they will do much better than Russia did.  It's also looking like Putin is wanting to meet with Trump.

We won't hear about these aspects of the meeting from the press, but we must insure that these foreign policy achievements are part of the curriculum our children learn.  We must impress upon our children the importance of freedom and our insistence that we give nations precedence that seek true freedom for their people as our first and major objective of foreign policy.

It is Christmas Morning once again in America my friends.....a time to celebrate and to thank God for giving us another chance with the election of Mr. Trump.

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