Thursday, August 30, 2018


I have heard several prominent talk show hosts (people I listen to regularly) discuss that they hold nothing against McCain, they are praying for the family, whatever and that they don't want to criticize someone who has passed....While I believe their intentions are honorable I DISAGREE STRONGLY with what they are saying....

John McCain was once a POW, he served his nation, but let's face facts, for whatever reason, he was a globalist and openly admitted it while he was running his mouth one day.  I don't give a rip why he held his views....they were anti-American, plain and simple.....he was NOT for the common man, he was a closet socialist.....

The practice of John McCain "crossing the aisle" to work with socialists has resulted in waste of billions upon billions of dollars in our nation, a huge rise in socialism in America and corruption across our government.  His sponsorship of McCain/Feingold introduced out of control campaign spending and corruption in the election process. His soft stance on illegal immigration resulted in millions of illegals entering our nation and living for free off the sweat of American brows. His failure to stand up to libs in 2008 and the resulting election of Barack Obama literally cost the nation trillions, millions lost their homes, life savings, college kids living in their parents basements for years and thousands in debt, a new and unbelievable level of corruption, loss of Constitutional rights for citizens across the board, the spread of socialism throughout our nation. 

His now infamous thumbs down vote on repealing Obamacare cost the US billions upon billions of dollars.  His vote could have made so many people's lives better.  He came out to the floor and gave his thumbs down and voted the way he did for selfish reasons and could have cared less about the welfare of millions of people.  His voting record as a conservative is dismal and anyone who claims he was conservative is a liar.  He was a globalist/socialist/RINO.

John McCain is no American Hero....he is only a hero to the left and they pretend to honor him today because he was a traitor to US Citizens and loyal to socialist causes.  When he ran against them in 2008, he became the devil himself and he couldn't do enough to kiss their smelly butts to try and get them to stop of course they never did and he shamefully allowed them to savage his VP Pick Sarah Palin, who was a great and honorable woman and completely energized his campaign.  He never stood up for her and he never fought back and even instructed his people not to fight back. He clearly did not want to win the 2008 election his decision to allow Palin and her family to be savaged they way they were is unforgiveable in my opinion....and now it looks like Sarah Palin won't be invited to his funeral....personally I wouldn't care, but what a way to dishonor her once again.

He along with the RNC and RINO's across the Senate have worked in lockstep with the left/socialists to bring our nation down, no matter what it costs citizens.....I'm glad he's gone and I'll be glad every time a RINO leaves the Senate whether by death or by removal.  I do not honor John McCain, I celebrate his passing.  I as a veteran am embarrassed that he was considered a war hero....whatever hero status he may have held he burned up long ago because of his destructive politics.  The American Legion's demand that flags be at half staff this week is an embarrassment and they should be ashamed of themselves for this demand for someone who was so destructive to the US, so uncaring of the plight of Veterans for all the decades he served in the Senate and an adversary to the Republicans he claimed to be a part of.

The article below outlines one of McCain's screw ups while in the service, one that resulted in the deaths of lots of US heroes....REAL HEROES, the guys who actually get things done....McCain should have been put out of the Navy.  Not only did his screw ups result in millions and millions of dollars of destruction of US Military equipment, but men were killed.....any other officer would have been put out....he wasn't because he had protection because of his rich daddy's connections in the Senate....any enlisted person would have been in prison.

One man can make a difference-for good or bad....John McCain's life and choices have proven that.....why does he get to walk away unscathed?  He lived a life of privilege and protection no matter how badly he acted while multiple millions of American citizens suffered because of his politics.  The rest of us don't get that opportunity, if we act badly we pay....he did not and he never took responsibility for the damage and destruction he has caused over the years.  It is a shame the people of Arizona kept that schmuck in office for so long....he was in power too long and was living proof that POWER CORRUPTS....the poster boy for term limits....

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