Good Morning All
I read this article and I'm not sure who Stephen Wilmot is (I'm thinking he fancies himself a very sophisticated international reporter). Reading between the lines in this article I believe this writer thinks that the US is somehow responsible to help protect the economies of other nations. This is not true and the President is taking the correct stance when he openly takes action to protect the nation.
Over the past 5-6 decades our tariff policy has been supportive of other nations, not fair trade between nations....we need to remember where we are and realize that we have been out of the norm for way too long. Trump is the only person who is seeing this picture clearly...
Tariffs are put into place to protect the people of a nation....there is no reason that a nation in Europe would slap a 10% tariff on a Harley coming from America....well unless that European nation is a socialist leaning nation. That reason would be that the government is overspending on it's citizens, overspending on government expenses and they want to take more and more power at the expense of the US. If they wanted to be fair about tariffs, the tariff would be more like 2-3% to make the cost of the Harley competitive against products in the host nation.....
Trump could not be more correct in his stance on tariffs. It is not our job to support governments of socialist nations who are taking too much of their own people's money, exerting too much control over them and squashing freedom nationwide. These people are causing world wide calamity and that is their mission and goal. The more they can get governments to collapse and become dependent, the more control they can gain. Why do we want to trade with these people? The message needs to go further than fair tariffs. The message to these nations needs to become: "you can run your nation the way you want, but if you choose to go socialist, you will not trade with America".
If we are to aid other nations/governments, by trade, foreign aid, military support etc., it should be nations that are acting responsibly with their treasure, treating their people with dignity and promoting freedom, our nation should be the world wide role model in acting responsibly and affording dignity to its citizens. If we were to stand our ground and do that, I think the reaction world wide would be pretty quick.....socialism would die within a decade....why because we are still the most powerful economy on earth and the most productive nation on earth. The fact is, if we weren't paying for all the stuff we pay for world wide, the vast majority of these socialist leaning nations would not even exist. THEY NEED US.
The Chinese are only rivalling us economically because we have given them so much status and support over the last five decades and because they are thieves, they steal technology and protected information that they could not come up with in their own nation - and we let them get away with it. Other nations don't even come close to us in economy or productivity. China can say they are capitalist all they want, but they are still a communist nation and they have to force productivity out of their people. Their economy and their government is easily collapsed.....socialists in our nation who also happen to be bureaucrats and elected leaders have a vested interest in seeing China and other socialist nations succeed. If we didn't support China monetarily in a host of ways, their population and leverage in Asia would be greatly reduced.
Trump is absolutely right in what he is doing.....what do we need in the US that we cannot produce ourselves? There is nothing we need to get from other leaders know this and so do ours, they just don't want to discuss that. They want us to become a one world government system....Trump is not cooperating and that is why all these elitists hate him.
US lefties can argue about foreign policy, military strength, etc. all they want but they are really blowing smoke up everyone's butt. If all American soldiers were to come home, guard our borders and we were to use all monies now going to foreign aid and military support of other nations to shore up our own military and defense systems, create our own oil production facilities, rebuild our own infrastructure.....what would we need from any other nation? NOTHING.....
That is the scary reality to all socialists in this nation and across the world. Angela Merkel would NEVER have been able to gain power without the support of the US military all these years.
This is why I firmly believe that McCarthy was right. We were idiots to believe the socialist propaganda that was spread about him. He was not some kind of control freak or anything else. He recognized a threat to our nation and tried to do something about that time however, socialism had already been gaining a foothold in this nation for 40 years. These parasites were already ingrained in our government and they had to stop him because he was making real progress in his war against the spread of socialism in America.
Socialism is a cancer and should be outlawed in America. Socialism is directly subversive to the US Constitution and a form of terrorism. All avowed socialists and communists (beginning with those who are on record first in government circles and then in citizenry, immigrants, etc) should be stripped of citizenship, civil rights and stripped of their net wealth over $1,000,000. Once that is done all those who profess a belief in socialism should also have citizenship removed. They should then be deported to the socialist nation of their choice where their chosen form of government can then take the remaining wealth they bring with them. All seized money should go to rebuild this nation, restore all damage done by socialists, etc.
People can whine about free speech or whatever but the fact remains that subversion to our government equals treason and is punishable by death, as it should be. People who want to push socialism should do it in Cuba or Venezuela, or China or North Korea.....if they are allowed to speak publicly....there is no place in this nation for people on their damned soapboxes to be pushing a subversive form of government, they should be publicly shut down and removed, have their businesses shut down, and they and their families removed from our shores....I'm tired of them and I believe America is too...everything they touch turns to rot.
The government should then be reduced back to the basic services and offices strictly outlined by the Constitution as necessary to the nation. Those who do not wish to work and be productive should also not eat or be given any kind of government service, with the goal of sunsetting all government services that are more than temporary in nature with the applicable drug testing and work requirements that go with it....with the first wave of "rich socialists" along with Soros who are kicked out of the nation, people who don't want to work going hungry we would quickly see the end of socialism in this nation....I promise you that.
The time for attempting to "talk" to socialists has reached its end. They are not reasonable people and do not care about this nation, so they should leave and we should help them. If they believe socialism is so great then they should move to a socialist nation....period.
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