Sunday, May 20, 2018

The ABJECT Stupidity of so called Red Flag Laws (aka Government Gun Grab)

I copied below the highlighted portion of a response to Lt Col Brown from the office of Senator Rubio regarding a proposal that the Senator is actually encouraging inspired by the recently passed School Safety Act (SB7026) in Florida.  I would like to know how the senator plans to protect due process rights of people if such a law is enacted.  We all know there is no such plan in place.  This law in Florida certainly makes it too easy to have some rogue judge order removal of weapons from a law abiding owner solely on the word of someone who states the gun owner is acting in a bizarre manner.  Given the current goings on in the DOJ/FBI/CIA and the allowance of the Republicans to let it go that so hard to believe?  I don't just believe it, I KNOW it will happen if a Red Flag law is passed.

Another question for the Senator.....why do we have to have grants sent to the states to enact such a law other than a way to try and bribe states into creating unconstitutional law that the federal government can use later to overrule states and go after the weapons of law abiding citizens?  This idea is stupid upon stupid upon stupid....

All it has to be is someone who doesn't like the person, a political enemy (how long will it take lib bureaucrats and politicians to start using this tactic? about 5 minutes?), a ticked off spouse, an upset other reason than that they are mad, and let's be realistic.....a person who makes a false claim will not be held legally accountable in any way, but the gun owner WILL have his/her guns taken away with no formal investigation into the claim made by his/her enemy and kept for who knows how long? It will be the gun owner who has to pay for mental health evaluations, lawyers, filings, missed time at work, and the whole nine yards.

Can we believe that law enforcement will care for those guns?  When the owner finally does get his/her guns back will he/she receive them in the same condition as they were taken?  Does anyone believe that a citizen will be recompensed for damages, while in police custody, to weapons that have cost them hundreds or thousands of dollars?  I DON'T and anyone who does is a fool.

I do not trust the government, law enforcement or libs to use this law wisely.  Veterans who have gone to the VA to get mental health assistance have had their weapons removed to the tune of over 250,000 so far....I don't even have a recent count....the cited count I just made is from 2015.

This proposed law is a thinly veiled avenue to get guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.

Senators could do their jobs if they worked more than 30 hours a week and could actually put some time into finding REAL answers to the problem of mentally ill people who are using their weapons in a dangerous way.  Need I mention that more of the president's appointments would be completed as well?

The Red Flag law is wrong, it's unconstitutional and it's not the answer.....Sometimes I think Mr. Rubio seems bound and determined to work himself out of a job....

 An excerpt from a response from Marco Rubio to Retired Lt Col Royal Brown re: the School Safety Act recently passed in Florida:

 "We currently lack tools for law enforcement or families to take away guns from someone in their community they know is a danger to themselves or others. I am working to change this by incentivizing states to enact extreme violence protection orders, or sometimes referred to as “red flag laws.” Under my proposed law, the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act (S. 2607), introduced on March 22, 2018, grants would go to states that enact policies that seek to empower families or law enforcement to prevent dangerous individuals from purchasing or possessing firearms, with due process protections. This is modeled after Florida’s recently enacted risk protection order law. Florida became the sixth state to enact such laws, with hopefully more to follow. The bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary."

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