We conservatives have been fighting for ten years to change the
face of a corrupt and overreaching government. For us it took almost
having our nation and our freedoms torn away from us. We would never have
gotten to that point had we been vigilant as citizens over the last several
decades. A pound of prevention, so to speak, could have saved us a decade
of serious hard work, fighting tooth and nail for our rights, witnessing the
near destruction of our nation at every level.
now have a president who is actively working to bring America back to a true
Republic, shrink overreaching government, reduce thousands upon thousands of
burdensome/useless regulations, and take down a corrupt bureaucracy. We
have a Congress that is Republican controlled, a judiciary that is slowly being
replaced with actual judges, not corrupted political/leftists and new rules
being created that actually favor the citizen, not the government
have achieved the goal of defeating the immediate threat but we don’t yet have
our nation back. Our work is only just begun. We MUST NOT repeat
the mistake we made over the twentieth century while we pursued our personal
goals, ignored/trusted government and allowed socialists to slowly take over
our lives. We must go beyond the assumption that we have fixed or are on
our way to fixing the problem….we must create a culture of involvement.
we are to keep the Republic we are slowly recreating, we must become involved
and stay involved. We must teach our children and grandchildren to get
involved and stay involved and pass that tradition down through generations
from this point forward.
we fail to become and stay actively involved we will soon find ourselves
in the same boat we were in 2009 with a Socialist President bent on destroying
the Constitution a Democrat/socialist controlled Congress that is taken over by
radicals who have the same goal and our freedoms being eroded away while we
work, pay our bills and live our lives.
activism is the BEST defense against allowing socialists to begin to gain
ground again. A free capitalistic/ economic society is one of the many
blessing we have as Americans but we cannot make prosperity our first
priority. God must be first, taking care of our families is of course
second and defending the nation is third. The fact that we are not
military doesn’t mean we mustn’t always be actively engaged in defending our
nation and our way of life. Prosperity will come as a natural consequence when
we keep our priorities in their proper places.
we fail to put God in His proper place and honor Him we will soon find our
nation where it was 10 years ago. If we fail to actively engage on a
consistent basis in our government and keep it in check, we will soon find our
nation where it was 10 years ago. We have complained, talked and worked
for change and we have achieved change.
were well on the way to being completely kicked out of our participatory status
in our unique government. Because of our efforts over the last decade, we
are once again becoming an active part of the government as we were meant to
be. We must not waste this opportunity. It is time now for us to
recreate America as she was meant to be…citizens managing the government, not
vice versa. We can finish the work of turning our government around
and reclaiming our nation by getting actively involved, staying actively
involved and creating a culture of involvement.
from an early age must be taught first to love and honor God, second the
importance of family and third how our government works, our true history and a
great pride in being American.
that pride must come active involvement from a young age and a life built on
actively engaging with our government at every level. A lifetime of guardians of the nation should become a way of life. I
believe our founding fathers assumed this would be the case.
we fail to become involved we will not win this war….if future generations are
to take on the fight we are now fighting we must pave the way for them and
teach them not only to prosper but to be involved at every level from a young
age until they day they die. America is unique. By becoming involved
and managing our government we can once again spread the uniquely American brand of freedom around the
time to do more than talk/complain. It is time to get and stay active if we are to
finish the work of taking our nation back. Volunteerism can involve as
little or as much time as you wish to put into it and does not have to take
over your life. If you are not actively engaged with volunteerism at
this time I urge you to choose a cause and get busy. There are opportunities
everywhere we turn. The time is upon us and I urge all who see this to
get involved.
info on any number of activist opportunities across a wide spectrum of
interests, please contact me. There are dozens of well established conservative, God Loving, Patriotic organizations available and all of them need your help and involvement.
Great work Gylnda, U are a great patriot, please keep it up we need you in the fight too many sit on their ass and complain!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being U!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for your kind words.....let's kick their sorry leftist butts this November!!!